Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pomegranate Could be the New Aphrodisiac

Move over, chocolate and oysters, there’s a new aphrodisiac in town: pomegranate juice.

A study at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh tested 58 volunteers between the ages of 21 and 64, and, boy oh boy, did they get hot and bothered for this one.

In all seriousness, the researchers found elevated levels of testosterone in both sexes after administering consistent doses of pomegranate juice over a two-week span. For both sexes, testosterone is crucial to raising sexual desire.

The subjects saw an increase in testosterone ranging between 16% and 30% and some other useful side effects were noticed, too. Both sexes saw a drop in blood pressure and an increase in positivity as negative emotions decreased. If only the juice could wash away disgusting thoughts of a nude Octomom from our lives, too.

Previous studies have shown that pomegranates are also full of antioxidants known to battle cancer, fight heart disease and improve blood circulation.

Pomegranate martinis, anyone?

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