Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Things You Should Have for Fun Sex

Massage Table - We don't recall exactly where ours came from, likely Amazon.com. There are some really cheap ones on the market so buyer beware. Ours was probably in the $150 range and was worth every penny!

Lamb skin condoms - For birth control (not STI prevention), these condoms are unmatched. Temperature transfer is key to sensation and these do it just like skin, sex feels nearly identical to going bareback. Find them here or at your local Walgreen's.

Liquid Silk lubricant - Our search for the perfect sex lube stopped at Liquid Silk. It's light, water based, super slick, and does not leave you feeling sticky. It's easy to find here or here.

Red Hot Touch DVD's - Jaiya has a series of well produced and very sexy instructional DVD's in her Red Hot Touch series focused on the sensuality of touch. We have many, because she generously gifted them to us, but are particularly fond of the genital massage editions included in the set.

Gear Essentials Cock Rings - If you follow this blog, you have likely already read about Dick's love for these stainless steel (and now aluminum) cock rings. He has reviewed a couple too. Pick one (or more) up with confidence from here.

Harnesses - We have a few harnesses but Jane's current favorite is her Theo from Spare Parts Hardware. Well made, comfortable, and a solid fit, it gives her great control. And hers is pink... so it makes her feel pretty too. :o)

Eroscillator oscillating massager - An all time favorite which sits on the night stand for easy access. Jane retired every other external vibrator in her collection the day she first tried her Eroscillator. You can find one here.

Sexy Games - It's hard to find good sex games and we have even tried making our own, but there are a few we really like to include Sex Is Fun and Unpredictable, both by GreatSexGames.com.

Sex Related Books - We have a stack of these which include both educational and entertaining reading. A few we like are; Anal Pleasure and Health, X: The Erotic Treasury, and Guide To Getting It On.

Hitachi Magic Wand - A real rumbler which is too powerful for Jane's clit but has won our love for its ability to transfer vibration deep into a body during sex. Dick has also figured out how to strap it to his dick with a masturbation sleeve... that's an experience to behold. Pick one up easily here or here.

Fun Factory Share Double Dildo - A great, soft silicone, double dildo which assures she gets a little something extra when she's giving it to him. It's designed to be worn without a harness but for best results we recommend using one. Check it out here or here.

Lelo Soraya Rabbit Style Vibrator - Excellent quality (like all things from Lelo), high end, attractive, and perfect vibrations with infinite variability. This rabbit style dildo is a real keeper that helps Jane achieve fantastic release. Catch the rabbit here or here.

The Sex Deck - A fun deck of cards with which to explore new positions. Select and share your favorites or deal them out and draw your evening plans at random. Find the fun here.

Sex should be more than stimulating, it should be a fun shared experience... one in which you laugh and explore together. Sometimes, especially in long term relationships, investing a little effort in novelty goes a long way. If you have a special occasion planned or if your everyday encounters need extra spark, do something special and unexpected. That may be a sappy love note, a new book or toy, or test driving a new technique... it's the effort that will win their love.

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