Many relationships begin in the workplace and sometimes it can be hard to keep your hands off each other but it’s important not to get caught so here are some tips to keep you from getting caught red handed.
First and foremost, don’t be having sex in a place that attracts a lot of foot traffic. Go somewhere secluded, a storeroom that no one uses or a stairwell that’s mostly out of use. You can also have sex in your private office but make sure that you either have a lock on the door or it’s after office hours.
Avoid Cameras
It sounds stupidly obvious but avoid cameras like the plague. Most storerooms containing stock will usually have cameras in for security purposes so it’s best to check them out before you engage in any romps. It is illegal to place a camera in bathrooms or changing rooms so these are ideal, but they do attract foot traffic so wait until the office is quiet!
Easy Access
Clothing is a massive problem when trying to having a raunchy 15 minutes in work so wear accessible clothing. Nothing with too many buttons and something that will slip off easily, if you’re feeling really brave, going commando will save loads of time. Another great tip is for women to take their lipstick off so your man isn’t smothered in the stuff afterwards.
Clean up
Don’t just walk straight back to your desk after you’ve done the deed, go and check yourself out in the bathroom. Make sure you’ve put your clothes back on the right way round and that your hair is all in place. Top-up your make-up so that you look fresh faced rather than flustered and make sure you look neat and presentable.
If you do get caught, don’t make things worse by trying to explain yourself. Simply say you’re sorry and leave it at that. Trying to explain why you were in the bathroom with a fellow employee with your skirt over your head will only have you tripping over your words and making things worse for yourself, so keep it zipped!
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